How to Get Rid of Unhealthy Cravings

Scientists and nutritional researchers have known for years that there is a very strong relationship between a person’s dietary cravings and the nutritional deficiencies that person has at that particular time. Cravings are one of the main ways that our bodies tell us what we need when it comes to food or water. Whatever your body is craving at that time, you are most likely deficient to some extent on one or more nutrients in the food you are craving.

Now, this does not necessarily mean you should eat the foods that you are craving. When you become deficient in a nutrient, your body starts to think of all the foods you eat most often and picks out the foods that have that nutrient. It then signals to your brain that it needs to eat those specific foods with that nutrient. Just because those foods you are craving have the nutrients you need does not mean that they are a good source of that nutrient. Instead of eating whatever you’re body asks for, try to figure out exactly what you’re body needs and why it is having the cravings you’re experiencing. Then, eat healthy foods that are high in those nutrients you’re in need of.

Remember, your body only craves foods that you eat the most often. So if you aren’t eating healthy, you’re body will crave unhealthy food. The more healthy foods you eat, the more your body will start to crave those foods because your body recognizes that those foods are foods that you love and are willing to eat to get the nutrients you need. So, if you want to stifle those unhealthy cravings of yours, eat healthy foods that contain the nutrients you’re in need of so the next time your body is in need of that nutrient, it will ask you for something that’s actually good for you!

One more thing, something that you always have to make sure of when transitioning to a healthy diet is that you are eating enough food. If you do not eat enough, you will start to crave foods high in gross refined, concentrated sugar and fat. This will lead you down the regretful path of binge-eating on food that is the worst for you (and we all know this does not solve anything!).



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